Tuesday, December 1, 2009

A case of the "FAKE" people.

"Goodbye, goodbye/ To all the fake people in my life/ I never wanted you around me/ So be on your way now/ You better think twice/ Before you let people in your life/ Because when you put down/ No one is around you/ You got a case of the fake people/ A case of the fake people" - TLC

Blogging, how I have missed you. Well, let's jump right in and get our feet wet, shall we?
Fake people. We all know them, we all interact with them, hell, we might even live with them. They are all around us. We cannot escape them.

What is really bothering me is that someone I was once friends with is running their mouth about me. I've never run my mouth about this individual. It's sad that this person is doing this. We all know that they're full of lies. Everyone knows. Pretending to be someone you aren't is very tiring. I know this, I did it, too, when I was 15/16, heck even at 21, but when you reach your late 20s and you still have to lie about who you are and brag about what you once had, it's pathetic. The past is the past. Let it go. No one cares about what car you drive now, let alone what car you drove 10 years ago. It's moot. What matters is who YOU are as a person. The person you are is ugly, sad, and pathetic.

It's sad that all your "REAL" friends live thousands of miles away. Of course they do. Those people don't have to deal with you on the daily. You can lie to them about your life here because they don't know the people here. I wish all my relationships were one-sided. It would make my life easier.

Your nasty attitude, coupled with your whining pushes everyone away. You are not capable of love. You are not capable of understanding. You are so focused on what was, that you cannot live in the now. The now is important because the now is going to deliver you to the future. Crying and whining about the past isn't going to solve anything... it's done and over. It can hurt and,God knows, it can and will leave it's scars, but you are better than this. I know you are. I know you have the capability of being as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside. I've gotten glimmers of it. That is the part I will miss now that our friendship has disolved.

So please stop lying, stop loathing (or pretending to), we can all see through it and we know you are phony bologna. Cyndi Lauper put it best (and quite gayly, may I add) when she said, "I see your true colors, shining through, I see your true colors, and that's why I love you, so don't be afraid, to let them show, your true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow." It really is as simple as that.

Be real with yourself. Learn humility. Learn to not be embarrassed (the best advice I ever got in 7th grade theatre, granted it was on how to be a successful actress, but it applies, dammit!). Learn to know that people are going to like you and that some people are going to like you (and don't focus on the latter, fuck them). Learn that there is nothing wrong with you being who you are.

I am silly, loving, funny, pretty, but the compliment I hold most dear are the ones when people tell me how geniune and sincere I am. It's the truth. I don't care what people think of me. I can be a bitch, lazy, gross, vain, weird. I don't care. I am me, all of the time, and when I started being me, I found that people started to naturally gravitate towards me (once I was told it was like magnetism of sorts). When you are REAL, people know it. It shines. It makes you appear more attractive and 20 lbs. lighter (okay, I made that last part up).

Be unafraid.
Live YOUR life. No one can do it for you. Face the reality. Make changes. Don't let people stand in your way. I don't care if this blog was written about you or if it wasn't. These are all things we all have to learn. RELEASE and LET GO. DROP the ROCK. Breathe it in and breathe it out.

I know how scary it is to be yourself. When you are REAL, they are rejecting who you REALLY are, but it doesn't matter because there are 100 more who like you just the way you are.

Like it or lump it, this is me. In the words of the great and underrated Ashlee Simpson,
"Put this under your skin/
I am me and I won't change for anyone/
Me and I won't change for anyone/
For anyone like you
Why would I, Why would I change?"


And as far as us not being friends anymore, YOUR LOSS. I am a great friend, I am loved by many, and I hated by fewer. At the end of the day, I chalk it up as a win. Oh, and don't let the door hit ya, where the good Lord split ya. Best of luck to you in life. It's not going to get any easier and it won't get any worse, either.

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