Wednesday, March 25, 2009


List time, people.

1) Katy Perry's "Hot N Cold" track. As much as I tried hating her at first, I gave in to Ms. Perry. This song rocks my socks. I hear it about 4 or 5 times a day and I am not sick of it. In fact, something in me takes over and I start jamming to it! I think I love this song because it reminds me so much of a certain someone. This song makes me insanely happy, if you are ever driving along the 15 during rush hour or are stuck on Hell Blvd. (Blue Diamond), you will get a first rate show. On a side note, I still want to punch Fergie in the face, the only good thing to come out of her trap is "workin' on my fitness," which has become my motto! C'est la vie. Oh, and I still swear that if I ever meet her I'd day, "Fuck you Fergilicious, big girls DO in fact cry." I may even toss in the middle finger for shits and giggles.

2) Body Pump. It's not easy getting up at 5:05 AM to go torture myself and usually within the first 5 minutes, I regret the decision, but when all is said and done... I feel SO good about myself. I got through it and I did a kick ass job. I also met an amazing person, Monica, who happens to be the instructor. She's ridiculously motivating and funny; she's an awesome person and I am beyond thrilled that we are friends!

3)Dresses. Really, I am loving the fact it is getting HOT. My body is getting smaller, so I am thinking I want to flaunt the improvements! Dresses also pair nicely with flip flops, which I live in almost year round. If only I enjoyed shaving my legs... someone want to buy me electrolysis? Please and thank you!

4) Obama. Good God, I love him. Really, he has not disappointed me too much. Yes, a lot of Vegas folk were offended by his "you shouldn't be having big hoorahs in Vegas..." comment. It's absolutely correct. Sorry to my buds in the service industry, but it make sense. You cannot cut out middle management, then take the higher ups on a weekend getaway to the city of Sin... it makes no sense.

5) Baby Deanzo! Really, I love him so much. He makes every shit-tastic day better. He's my sunshine, lollipop, rainbow. (Do you people really question my gay man status?) I also love my Beans and Zuki Muffin. My cats are all sorts of delicious.

6) Unity Church. In my quest for all things AMAZING, getting back in touch with God is the right move. I went to services and cried. How often do you go to church and get uplifted? Really? I've never been to a church where the Reverend says, "we do not discriminate based on race, creed, sex, ORIENTATION, political persuasion..." My goodness was that refreshing. Thank you Cherice, this is the best gift you could have ever given me. I hope I can share it with others.

7) Manicured finger nails. Yes, I have acrylics (because I am a disgusting nail biter) and I love them! I don't care how "fake" or "hooker" or "insert trashy insult here" they are assumed to be; they make me feel so girly, pretty, and happy. Also, this week, I got a kick out of choosing black nail polish only to have my manicurist throw it in a drawer and to which I rebuffed stating, "no, I wanted that color!" He looked at me confused and said, "REARRRRY?!" (I know, I am a shitty racist), and I said, "yes, I want black, it's like my soul." I KILL me.

8) Blogging. It's an addiction. I love typing some of the nonsense that flows through my brain. It's all sorts of tasty. I also am being blog stocked. My "views"are entirely too high for the amount of "followers" I have. I am VEGAS FAMOUS, after all.

9)Jason Segel. Fuckin' A. Someone I know has to know him. We need to meet. I am entirely convinced he is my soul mate. Have you seen Forgetting Sarah Marshall? I Love You, Man? Knocked Up? Oh man, he's hysterical! Really, I still pine for Ben Affleck and Paul Rudd, but Jason is now at the top of my "spank bank" list. Mmm... he's just delicious.

10) Post Secret. Dear Frank, you are amazing! He's liberated so many people. One day, I will make my own post card... Perhaps, I will have a POST SECRET CARD MAKING PARTY! Done.

That's all for now... As for my lack of blogging, there are internet issues at my house... it's currently down (I know, it makes me want to slit my wrist, too... I miss HULU and YouTube). This situation should be resolved shortly, fingers crossed!


Cher said...

I know how wonderful Unity is...I bitch and complain about waking up early but afterwards, I feel so charged! Thanks for coming and continuing to show your support. You will see how your life will change when you start going. SERIOUSLY. I love you, you are an amazing person...

Brianna Soloski said...

I sent a secret to PostSecret.

You are the only one I'm telling. Maybe one day, when I have had too much wine, I will tell you my secret.