Thursday, April 30, 2009

Up? Date!

Hey, I haven't written in forever for 2-3 reasons.

ONE. School is a biotch for the next 6 weeks, then I am free! No more school until I decide to get another Master's and plunge myself further into scholastic debt. Don't worry, I have a plan though. I am going to go Anna Nicole style. Minus the drugs and the annoying voice. TRIM SPA BABY version 2.0, bank on that.

TWO. Lack of internet still exist at my house. The clowns down the street (no joke, SANDOU the CLOWN is two doors down) don't have their internet secured. So bless them and see their show, so that I may continue (for the time being) to steal their internet.

THREE. I have a bunch of material and about 3 or 4 blogs started. Some of which are very personal and I am not quite sure I want to share them with the whole world. So, we will wait and see.

Trust me! I am still writing. I miss it. Right now, my time is just consumed with work, school, the gym, and my friends. I am getting my life straight. One step at a time.

Hope all of you are doing well. Kisses and hugs!


Cher said...

WP on the HIGH C's!

nosugrstilswt08 said...

its about EFFIN time. I was beginning to think that your fingers were broken from all that FISTIN the other night. LOL.