Monday, January 19, 2009

It's time for an OBAMA NATION!

Today is the last day of the Bush Administration and for the first time since I was eligible to vote (or even considered myself knowledgeable enough in the ways of the world to understand politics) that the candidate I voted for will get to take office. I am ecstatic.

I see and hear Obama on the news or read articles and I am moved to tears. We all know that I am highly emotional, but what moves me so much is that for the first time in a long time I have felt hope for a better tomorrow. All of the things that have happened in the past couple years are going to be rectified and I guarantee that our country will be moving into a new direction.

However, I am scared shitless right now that in May when I graduate with my MBA, that I will not be able to use it. Jobs that I would be qualified for are being slashed left and right. I am scared that I won’t be able to start paying back my student loans. I know that the economy is shitty right now and I expect to get worse, but within 2 years my gut knows that things will be on the upward swing. It’s the cycle of the economy. It goes up and down, just as everything in life does.

I just feel proud of my country and know that amazing things are going to happen. I can feel it in my bones, deep down in my stomach, and it’s a wonderful, wonderful feeling!

So, Mr. Bush, it’s been swell and all and I don’t feel the need to rip you a new one, that’s been done over the course of the last seven-ish years (anyone who has talked politics knows my disdain). There is no need to continute to bitch, he's almost outta there. He will be looked back on in history books as one of the crappiest presidents ever, but he is not the worse and I can assure you he won’t be the last shitty president (I also have to give him kudos for all that marinelife protection he just granted, but it's the first time I have ever recalled agreeing with his environmental policies). It urks me that Mrs. Palin is thinking of running against Obama in 2012… good luck with that. All I have left to say to our current President is, “Adios mothafucka.”

To the future and a better tomorrow, my friends - John McCain pun intended. Change is coming, wait for it. Just wait.

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