Wednesday, January 27, 2010

I can't fight this feeling anymore...

This is a real "quickie" update. I can't fight myself anymore. I am not destined or designed to be a boring, drab, mopey person. I am going to play on the swings, not sit out on the sidelines anymore. Yes, my life might be a fantastic shit-storm and I have a million and a half things to figure out and that I am working on, but I am refocusing my energy on becoming the best Jessica I can be.

The Best Jessica Guidelines:
1. Pray daily.
2. Eat well.
3. Hit the gym at least 3x a week.
4. Spend quality time with family and friends.
5. Read at least 30 minutes a day.
6. Write at least 2x a week.

Before I know it, I will be back on my A-game (which we all know is fierce and fabulous). I will be positive, successful, and remain playful (this is my affirmative prayer). My heart is in the right place, now I need to simply align my mind with my heart's intentions. (It's all about the balance, thank you yet again, Eat Pray Love for your many life lessons).

I promise you all: No more Ms. Grumpy Gills, it's time to reclaim my throne (and tiara) as Princess of Cupcakeland. I look my best in a dress and splashed with glitter.


1 comment:

Gina-Bo-Beena said...

Hooooooray! Yipppppie Skipppppie! Bibbity Bobbitty Boo! You're alive again! Go get 'em, girlfriend!