Tuesday, March 3, 2009

These Words Are My Own, From My Heart Flow

I have many loves in this world: my cat, my friends, Britney Spears, martinis, disco balls, cheesecake, your husband, tacky jewelry, and the list goes on and on (kind like the beat)! I just quoted Cher, more emphasis on me being a GAY MAN!

Anyway, before I get lost and start a tangent that will get me further from my point, I will get started on the matter at hand. I love to write, to put my words to paper (or more modernly let me fingers dance and grace a keyboard). Writing has always been a sort of release for me. Take the thoughts speeding through my mind at a mile a minute, jot them down, reread them, and make some sort of sense out of my psyche’s ramblings. It’s an outlet to express myself and release emotions when I didn’t feel I could trust another soul with my own disgusting, dark thoughts. My own words will never judge. I take thoughts, feelings, and emotions that I keep bottled up inside and let them out and they flow. It becomes an organic process. Some of my best writings are from the times I have tears streaming down my cheeks (from both heartbreak and laughter).

I like to lurk around and read people’s blogs. People I don’t know and see their words, thoughts, opinions. People are weird, strange things. We all possess inappropriate, irrational, hysterical thoughts; most of the time we keep these thoughts and ideas hidden.

I have always been a girl that has little to no reservations. I will state something and people will say. “Jessica, I cannot believe you just said that.” I always reply with something such as, “well, you were all thinking it” and some sort of chuckling ensues.

Okay, now I am going to pull all this nonsense together. I think as a personal goal for myself, I am going to write out some of my craziest and most bizarre life experiences and lump them together in a Dave Sedaris sort of fashion. For those of you who don’t know who Dave Sedaris is, he’s writer/ story teller. He writes about his life (you know the random-mundane things), he takes his experiences and tidies them into a story that will leave you laughing out loud. I want to chronicle my life in same fashion. A whole, Jessica Mullen: The Good, The Bad, and The Absolutely Ridiculous. I don’t think I would ever submit it to a publishing company or I might. Depends on my day and how inflated my ego is; I detest rejection…blah.

I want to put it down. Share my life with others, give people a good laugh, a little cry, and warm them up. I don’t know about any of you, but there is a certain comfort I get when I stumble upon or people tell me about their weirdness. It makes people more human, I tend to build people up as Gods in my mind.

Maybe I mostly like writing because with my laptop, I can do it in bed and Baby Deanzo is always curled up on some part of me. I want to write. I would love to do it professionally, but I don’t even know where to begin or where to even start to look or if I would even want to. Perhaps, I can freelance. I’ve got arsenals of nonsense to pollute the mind with.

I think after my MBA is complete (get here already May), the Vegas sun will inevitably start to blaze; my pasty ass will be poolside (loaded with the SPF 50+) laptop in tow, my fingers doing a keyboard tango of sorts, and I will be laughing, crying, and cocktailing while I pour my heart and soul out for the world to potentially read.

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