I really wish I had taken a better photo of it, but it is now in the possession of HR at Zappos.com! So, what exactly did I do? I did something kind of ballsy! I took my poster and headed down to Hender-Tucky (where Zappos HQ is located) to introduce myself. I was so incredibly nervous and my anxiety levels were maxed out, so much so that I was physically shaking! But I figured, if you want something, like really, really, really want it, you have to put your neck out and your heart on the line. So I did just that! The benefits outweigh any (if there are any losses, besides being a little bummed about not getting in to Zappos, yet).
The lovely lady at the front desk had a gentleman from HR come down to meet with me. And I believe he really liked it. He actually has the poster (I know I mentioned that already), but he kept it, which I think is an AMAZING sign! Hopefully, I will be hearing back from him soon. I am super excited and extremely hopeful and optimistic about this whole thing! I was told he would call me today, but I haven't heard from him yet. He did give me his number, so I left a message.
I know there is a WIND of change in the air -if you live in the Las Vegas area I am sure you have felt and heard the wind the past few days- cheesy pun intended.
So, hopefully SOON I will be starting a new career and a new chapter in my life and I will be a part of the Zappos Family (or as they call it, a ZAPPONIAN)! I haven't wanted something so bad in so long. I deserve this. And now that you are done reading this, check out www.zappos.com!
Good luck :D
I have a blog called Larsup
is new and it´s not complete but i would like you to visit it
If you don´t like something please! tell me sincerely
Hope you like the photoshoot
I appreciate your enthusiasm!
That said. I am going to give you my opinion. I am a stay at home mom of 2 girls and spent my 20's and early 30's in the corporate world. I think you have all the confidence and talent to get the job. I think you need to take it to a more professional level. It is very cute to make a board like you did. I think it is something for you to put on your wall at your home for office area. For focus and encouragement. Why don't you take what you have on that board and put it onto a spreadsheet. Take the steps you had (climbing to reach your goal) and put it onto a goal list and what you are going to do to reach each goal. This might be a better presentation to the HR department.
I was searching the web for a chart example for you but you seem to have a knack for making them. Take your poster you made and redo it on a word sheet. They have templates.
~~~Long Term Goal~~~~
Goal~ Employment with Zappos
1)Prepare for position
A.Education Requirements
a.Enroll in classes
b.Develop Skills in position
B.Be seen
a.Meet HR manager
b.inquire about intern positions
C.Live as though you have the position
a.Dress for the career you want not the position you have/don't have
b.Have your personal sights reflect the responsibility of the person they are looking for (do they want to hire a "ho".
c. google yourself. They will and what you see they will see.
I hope this helps in some small way.
Yay for you!
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