I really wish I had taken a better photo of it, but it is now in the possession of HR at Zappos.com! So, what exactly did I do? I did something kind of ballsy! I took my poster and headed down to Hender-Tucky (where Zappos HQ is located) to introduce myself. I was so incredibly nervous and my anxiety levels were maxed out, so much so that I was physically shaking! But I figured, if you want something, like really, really, really want it, you have to put your neck out and your heart on the line. So I did just that! The benefits outweigh any (if there are any losses, besides being a little bummed about not getting in to Zappos, yet).
The lovely lady at the front desk had a gentleman from HR come down to meet with me. And I believe he really liked it. He actually has the poster (I know I mentioned that already), but he kept it, which I think is an AMAZING sign! Hopefully, I will be hearing back from him soon. I am super excited and extremely hopeful and optimistic about this whole thing! I was told he would call me today, but I haven't heard from him yet. He did give me his number, so I left a message.
I know there is a WIND of change in the air -if you live in the Las Vegas area I am sure you have felt and heard the wind the past few days- cheesy pun intended.
So, hopefully SOON I will be starting a new career and a new chapter in my life and I will be a part of the Zappos Family (or as they call it, a ZAPPONIAN)! I haven't wanted something so bad in so long. I deserve this. And now that you are done reading this, check out www.zappos.com!